Bismuth Citrate

In the USA, UAE, Iran Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and other oil producing areas, several hundred chemical compounds are used in hydraulic fracturing also called fracking, fracing or frac. In some areas like UK only ‘Non-Hazardous’ chemicals are permitted for fracturing fluids by the Environment Agency. All chemicals have to be declared publicly and increasingly, food additive based chemicals are available to allow fracking to take place safely.

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Bismuth Citrate:

Infrared Absorption 197K : on the undried specimen.
B: When strongly heated, the salt chars, and on ignition leaves a more or less blackened residue having a yellow surface. The residue is soluble in warm nitric acid, and this solution, when dropped into a large excess of water, produces a white turbidity.
C: Dissolve 1 g in ammonia. When treated with hydrogen sulfide in excess, a black precipitate is obtained. Filter this mixture, drive off the excess hydrogen sulfide by heating, and allow to cool. To a portion of this cooled solution add an excess of calcium hydroxide and boil: a white precipitate is formed. Reserve a second portion of the cooled solution for the test for Limit of nitrate.
Arsenic: the limit is 10 microgm per g.