DETA Phosphonate or DTPMP Phosphonate

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DETA Phosphonate or DTPMP Phosphonate:

Specifications of DETA Phosphonate or DTPMP Phosphonate or diethylenetriamine penta(methylene phosphonic acid):
Appearance: Brown Liquid
Active component %: 48.0-52.0
Chloride (Cl-) %: 12.0-17.0
Fe(as Fe3+) ppm: 35 max
Density(20C)g/cm3: 1.35-1.45
pH value (1% water solution): 2.0

DETA or DTPMP Phosphonate is having chemical formula C9H28N3O15P5 and M.W. 573.20 & CAS Registry Number 15827-60-8 is has chelating and anti corrosion properties.
DTPMP is an organophosphonic acid compound exihibiting excellent sequestration of metal ions at stoichiometric concentration and thresold inhibition of metal salt precipitation at sub stoichiometric concentrations. It is a nitrogenous organic polyphosphonic acid. It shows very good inhibition of the precipitation of barium sulfate (BaSO4). At high alkali and high temperature (above 210 °C) environments DTPMPA has better scale and corrosion inhibition effect than other phosphonates.

It is used in: Water treatment, as Scaling inhibitor, as Chelating agent, as Deflocculation agent or as settling retarder and as Anti corrosion agent.