Hydrogen Sulfide Scavenger

Mubychem is an internationally preferred source for Stimulation Chemicals and Hydraulic Fracturing Chemicals. We serve various oil and shale gas producing countries like USA UAE, Kuwait, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, UK, Europe India etc. We are never too far from your well-site with multiple 24/7 company owned or rented warehouses in the India, USA and across the globe. With customers in several countries, we sell almost all the fracturing chemicals.

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Hydrogen Sulfide Scavenger:

Hydrogen Sulfide also referred to as H2S is a poisonous gas that poses serious health threats at moderate concentrations. Operating problems caused by H2S can include severe corrosion and fouling, and injection-well plugging with iron sulfides and hence, it is necessary to remove it during processing, before the end use.

The No-Sulf 74™ molecule has Hydroxyl groups on the side chains increase the hydrophilicity of the molecule, making it ideally suited for reactions in the aqueous phase. The hydroxyethyl functional groups add a more hydrophobic character, allowing for removal of Hydrogen Sulfide or Sulphide directly in the well itself.

No-Sulf 74™ H2S scavenger, generates reaction products that are also water soluble, with very low toxicity characteristics and biodegradable, making this an ideal for most H2S scavenger applications.