Chromic Chloride

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Chromic Chloride:

Specifications of Chromium Chloride or Chromic Chloride Hexahydrate:
Chromic Chloride or Chromium Chloride: 96 – 98.0 percent of CrCl3·6H2O.
Appearance: Crystalline Green  Powder
Insoluble matter: 200 ppm
pH: 2 to 2.5 in 10% solution
Heavy Metals: < 50 ppm
Iron: The limit is 0.01%.
Cr Hexavalent: < 10 ppm.

Chromic Chloride USP Chromium Chloride

Chromic Chloride – Chromium Chloride
CrCl3-6H2O 266.45
Chromium chloride (CrCl3) hexahydrate
Chromium(3+) chloride hexahydrate [10060-12-5]
Anhydrous 158.36 [10025-73-7]
Chromium Chloride – Chromic Chloride or Chromium Chloride contains not less than 98.0 percent and not more than 101.0 percent of CrCl3-6H2O

A: To 5 mL of a solution (1 in 250) in a test tube add 1 mL of 5 N sodium hydroxide and 10 drops of 30 percent hydrogen peroxide, and heat gently for about 2 minutes: a yellow color develops.
B: To 5 mL of a solution (1 in 250) in a test tube add 5 drops of silver nitrate TS: a white, curd like precipitate is formed, and it is insoluble in nitric acid.


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